Couples Boot Camp
Focused on Relationships & Communication.Be heard by your partner.

To join our next Couples Boot Camp group, don’t hesitate to call me, Todd, at 510-686-3390 or email me at
Co-founder of Couples-Boot-Camp, a 8 – 15 week class. It is an interactive group with several couples involved that is fun and interactive. It is a combination of “class” and experiential / practicing of couples skills.
We are called to love each other and to cling to each other, but what exactly does that mean when it comes to emotional and spiritual connection with your partner?
Todd Harvey, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist is the founder of Bay Area Couples Counseling and a co-founder of Couples-Boot-Camp.
Couples Boot Camp consists of two 6 week groups of 4 couples that are 1 day per week for two hours.
In this couples class, we will explore how to enhance spiritual and emotional intimacy between you and your partner. Each week there will be a short lesson and a chance to discuss some of the most current thinking in the field of love and coupling. We’ll enhance communication and conflict skills. We’ll explore how we develop attachment styles from our families and how they set up predictable dances between couples. We’ll explore some of the blessings as well as strategize on how to deal with some of the pitfalls and modify the dances we can get into. There will be some short lessons, group activities, and chances to break into partners in order to discuss how some of these ideas apply towards your own relationship. Expect to learn an emotional and spiritual practice of learning how to really listen to your partner on a deep level. It can also be a great chance to develop closer relationships with other couples who are interested in investing in their relationships. The group should be fun, educational, and provide a better understanding on how to invest in your relationship.
To join our next Couples Boot Camp group, don’t hesitate to call me, Todd, at 510-686-3390 or email him at